Perth Market holding strong

By Melissa Clarke | 7 August 2020

Recent world news, COVID and other world events, can leave us feeling glum, but the good news is that the Perth market is holding strong and providing fantastic opportunities for new home buyers.

Urban Development Institute of Australia WA (UDIA WA) conducts extensive surveys of the major land developers in Perth to create land market data.  Their recent surveys found Perth achieved 3,322 new lot sales during the June 2020 quarter, the highest quarterly land sales on record since the institute started recording in the 1990’s.

UDIA WA chief executive Tanya Steinbeck said that “while demand has surged, average prices for new land have remained relatively steady at $226,400. Comparative to other capital cities in Australia, Perth remains an affordable and stable option for those looking to enter the market.”

UDIA WA’s survey found there were approximately 7,500 new lots either on the market or under construction, which is good news for buyers, given there has been an influx on demand for properties.

“The good news is there is still a decent level of supply either on the market or under construction to meet continued demand.” Ms Steinbeck said.

Now is the time to buy, with Government grants available to help home buyers get into the market, with up to $69,440 available to those that qualify.  First Home Owner Grants of $10,000, the Federal Home Builder Grant of $25,000, Western Australian Building Bonus Grant of $20,000 as well as state Off-the-plan Duty Rebates.

With this kind of assistance available, why wouldn’t you consider building your dream home?

Touch base with us today to find out how we can help you take the next step towards owning your own home.

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or or visit our website



$20,000 Building Bonus Grants for contracts signed before December 2020

By Melissa Clarke | 10 July 2020

I’ve been hearing about this $20,000 Building Bonus Grant on offer until December 2020, and decided to find out the facts, because if you’re anything like me, $20K sounds like a great deal!

Back in early June, Premier Mark McGowan, announced that in an effort to support and maintain our building and construction industry throughout the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WA Government would be introducing “$20,000 Building Bonus grants for any Western Australia to build a new house or purchase a property in a single-tier development already under construction”.

“The grants will not be means tested and have no cap on the property value.  This grant is on top of the Federal Government’s HomeBuilder Grants as well as the WA’s First Home Owner Grants and first home buyer duty concession.”

What does this mean, well if you are a person who qualifies for all four grants, you could access up to $69,440 in Government assistance to help you build your dream first home!

These grants are being implemented for contracts signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020.  The hope is that by doing this, the Government will help get as many new projects off the ground and will help keep as many WA jobs intact as possible.

Construction on the building contract must start within the 6 months, which is different from the Federal Government HomeBuilder Grant which requires construction to start within 3 months.

You can even access this grant when you sign a building contract on a property you already own.

The grants and rebate schemes are available for owner-occupiers and investors, Australian-citizens and foreign persons, and natural persons, corporations and trustees.  You do not need to be living in WA to access the grant.

When can you apply for this grant?

For a new home on vacant land (new detached dwelling) – apply when construction has started (foundations complete).

For new single-tiered dwellings such as villas and townhouses – apply when you are the owner of the property (registered on the certificate of title)

What properties are eligible for the grant?

  • New detached homes constructed under a building contract
  • New relocatable homes
  • New homes constructed by an owner-builder
  • New single-tiered homes on strata plans such as villas and townhouses. For more information about these types of properties, see section 3(1) of the Strata Titles Act 1985
  • New single-tiered homes on other land survey types.

What properties DON’T qualify for the grant?

  • Properties in multi-tiered developments such as an apartment tower. These properties may qualify for an off-the-plan duty rebate.
  • Mixed-use and commercial property
  • Short stay accommodation
  • New constructions where there is already a home on the land, for example, adding a granny flat to the backyard of the person’s home
  • Refurbished property and developments, including where the original property is extended or renovated. Substantial renovations may qualify for the Commonwealth Government’s HomeBuilder scheme.
  • A building contract or contract for the purchase of property that the Commissioner is satisfied was cancelled to allow a new contract to be made for the purpose of qualifying for the grant
  • Completed dwellings (existing stock) held by the developer or another person

Now you’re armed with all the facts, why not get in touch with us to find out how we can help you take the next step towards owning your own home.

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or or visit our website

Land-grab as low rates attract new buyers

By Mackenzie Scott | 14thFeb 2020

The number of Australians buying land has risen steeply as buyers take advantage of affordability. 

Land sales rose 46 per cent in the six months to September across the country, according to the latest data from the Housing Institute of Australia and CoreLogic. The 10,563 lots sold during the period were a substantial turnaround from the March quarter, when sales were the lowest on record. 

The pick-up coincided with the turnaround in the housing market midway through last year, soaring more than 10 per cent in Sydney and Melbourne since June. But the fierce uptake has yet to have as much of an impact on land prices. 

However, CoreLogic’s Eliza Owen warned it may not be long until demand drives prices higher. 

“Demand for land and dwellings has rebounded strongly from June last year, which is also reflected in a 6.7 per cent rebound in national dwelling values over the past seven months,” she said. 

The rebound in the housing market, which has been primarily felt in east coast markets, follows a relaxation in lending standards and record low interest rates. 

The Morrison government’s first-home buyers lending scheme has proven a hit with market – entrants, with more than half of the 10,000 slots already filled.

With low rates attracting buyers, Andrew Mackenzie, Paramount Private Estate Sales Manager, says now’s the time to get into Baldivis, a great family friendly suburb.

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.  

Mr Mackenzie added “Paramount offers terrific value for money. Plus, homebuyers at Paramount will also receive a fencing and landscaping bonus, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”.

“A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.”


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers elevated, family-sized blocks with views with 480sqm lots available from $185,000! This is amazingly good value for larger sized lots.

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or to find out more.

House prices set to boost following RBA’s interest rate cut

By Richard Holden | 4 Oct 2019

With the Reserve Bank of Australia cutting official rates to 0.75 per cent on Tuesday, there has been a wave of commentary about the move boosting housing prices.

There are two parts to assessing this claim. First, do rate cuts drive up property prices? Second, is that all they do?

Do rate cuts drive up property prices?

Economists have a precise answer to this question, and a more practical one.

The precise answer is that all assets — stocks, bonds, property, stamps, vintage baseball cards, you name it — can be priced using what is known as the Stochastic Discount Factor (SDF).

This says that in pricing an asset you should factor in all the future cash flows the asset will generate (rent or dividends or capital gains) and then translate those returns into today’s money, adjusting for the riskiness of those cash flows.

An easier way to think about how rate cuts might affect property prices — consistent with the asset-pricing approach — goes like this.

People look at how much money they can borrow based on what they can afford to pay back. An interest rate cut boosts their borrowing power.

Even though the major banks have only passed on about half of the Reserve Bank’s latest cut (owner-occupied mortgage rates have been cut by 13-15 basis points), that’s enough to give a household with an income of $150,000 about another $12,000 to $14,000 in borrowing power.

They thus spend more and, because there is a limited supply of properties, this pushes prices up. So, yes, lower interest rates do tend to boost property prices.

Is that all rate cuts do?

Boosting property prices is not all that rate cuts do.  Higher prices for new dwellings help developers. They often lead to an increase in construction jobs as developers anticipate better conditions for selling properties.

New property construction has a number of other effects, too, such as changing the average quality of the rental stock and spurring more retail spending (because those new homes need to be furnished).

Perhaps even more important is the pseudo-psychological effect of existing homeowners feeling wealthier when house prices go up. This can lead to increased consumer spending — and this can have a big economic effect, given consumer spending accounts for about 60 per cent of GDP.

This “wealth effect” is part of the reason why federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg is happy to see property prices again on the rise.

Andrew Mackenzie, Paramount Private Estate Sales Manager, is happy to see the positive signs in the market.

“Paramount offers terrific value for money. Plus, homebuyers at Paramount will also receive a fencing and landscaping bonus, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers elevated, family-sized blocks with views with 480sqm lots available from $185,000! This is an amazingly good value for larger sized lots, it’s no wonder we’re selling so many!

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or they’re all sold out!

‘Now’s the time to buy’: Demand for lending bounces back as market recovers

By Ellen Lutton | 9 Sept 2019

Buyers are being urged to make the most of property prices, with September ABS figures showing a strong uptick in new lending.

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics released in early September showed total lending to Australian households for dwelling purchases (those excluding refinancing) rose 5.1 per cent over the month of July – the highest month-on-month jump in over five years.

The last time mortgage lending grew by that much was in September 2013, which was also around the time when property prices began a strong upward momentum, said Domain research analyst Eliza Owen.

“As we expected, the finance space is back,” Ms Owen said. “What these lending figures show us is how much the finance space has changed off the back of the re-election of a Coalition government, and successive cash rate cuts.”



The strong increase in home loans was the strongest leading indicator yet that a recovery was underway, said Maree Kilroy, economist for BIS Oxford Economics.

“The appetite for residential property has increased, which is what we expected,” she said. “We’ve had all these changes that were designed to encourage housing demand, and they have.

“The churn has been initiated, these changes don’t work in isolation, they work together, so that’s why we’re seeing the lending numbers have increased so strongly.”

Real estate agents across the capital cities reported buyers were back in the market literally the day after the federal election result came in.

Miriam Sandkuhler, chief executive and buyers’ advocate at Property Mavens, said property buyers should note that investors and homebuyers were back in the market “in a big way”.

“We are going to see some strong auction results ahead of us. Short supply of good quality and affordable stock could result in a mini-boom if more vendors sit tight and watch the market, rather than list their properties for sale,” she said.

Keiran Whaley, director at Jellis Craig Ivanhoe, said: “From a buyer’s perspective, there is no better time to buy, because prices are still 10 to 15 per cent off their peak.”

“The bounce-back has been amazing and I’d say very similar to what happened after the GFC, in that it [the market] was off one week, and on the next.  If we get the listings coming into the spring selling season, things could definitely pick up substantially.”

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis, said he too was positive about the market with strong sales in the first stage at Paramount.

Mr Mackenzie also said, “Paramount has something to suit all buyers with prices starting at $156,000”.




Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.



Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers premium lots from 375sqm through to 544sqm, from as little as $156,000!

Come and check out our huge range of block sizes, including sought after larger lots.  Plus, the views at Paramount are terrific too!  The best in Baldivis!!


Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or before they’re all sold out!


Housing market to stabilise?

By Ericka Pingol | 29 Aug 2019

The much-anticipated stabilisation of new homes in the Western Australian property market is on the horizon, according to the Housing Industry Association (HIA).

Evidence indicates that the market is heading towards the supply of new homes meeting—rather than exceeding—demographic growth requirements.

The easing of market conditions had given rise to a situation where monetary and fiscal stimulus is possible without fear of overheating house prices, according to the association’s chief economist, Tim Reardon.

“If economic activity improves, the credit squeeze dissipates, home prices stabilise, and the recent stimulus measures take hold, the supply of new work into the pipeline will soon reach its low point. All indications are that this stabilisation will occur and prevent a more significant downturn,” Reardon said.

The HIA sees demand for new detached homes holding up with only a 9% contraction in starts over the year.

The apparent resilience is due to the lag between the sale and commencement of housing constructions, giving the impression that contemporary market conditions are stronger than is the case.

Meanwhile, the unit market continues to contract rapidly, with starts now 41.8% lower than last year. A further 12% decline is predicted for 2019-2020, before a gradual improvement in 2021-2022.

Despite the continued decline of apartments under construction, there is a silver lining in the form of a “convergence of conditions” within the building industry, according to Reardon.

“We no longer have a boom in east-coast capital cities and stagnating markets elsewhere. Interest rates, income taxes and lending restrictions have all been eased in an effort to support activity and economic growth. State and Australian government investment(s) in infrastructure are also important to support labour market growth. These measures are now supporting activity in housing markets across the economy,” he said.

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis said, “we too are seeing positive signs in the market, with sales to date being much stronger than anticipated.”

Mr. Mackenzie also said, “Paramount represents amazing value for homebuyers.  At $172,000 for bigger, elevated 450sqm blocks and views to the hills, Paramount offered terrific value for money. Plus, homebuyers at Paramount will also receive a fencing and landscaping bonus, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”


Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers 450sqm premium, elevated, family-sized blocks with views starting from as little as $172,000! This is an amazingly good value for larger sized lots, it’s no wonder why we’re selling so many!

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or before they’re all sold out!

Homebuyers can now borrow more! — Michael Roddan | July 2019

Tens of thousands of prospective home buyers are set to flood the housing market after financial regulators removed the shackles from lenders, allowing borrowers to super-size their loans.

Under the shake-up — unveiled yesterday by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) — borrowers will be able to access mortgages 14 per cent larger in a move experts say will reignite the housing boom.

UBS economist Carlos Cacho said households on an income of $200,000 a year could boost their loans by an extra $150,000 to $1.25 million if they gained a leading market interest rate.

Mr Cacho said for households on a combined income of $125,000 a year, maximum loan sizes would jump by $90,000 to $765,000 while the typical household, on a combined income of $85,000, would be able to secure an extra $30,000 in their loans.

Under the new rules, lenders will be free to offer bigger loans to borrowers who previously couldn’t clear a hurdle requiring them to manage mortgage repayments, if interest rates were to rise above a hypothetical minimum of 7 per cent. As part of the new “go easy” attitude to financial regulation, the banking sector will have the freedom to set their own interest rate floor to assess customers.

The new floor will be set at 2.5 per cent above the banks’ standard variable rates, a move that will help funnel customers into larger loans.

Josh Frydenberg said the overhaul would allow borrowers to establish a foothold in the property market and welcomed the decision from APRA to adjust its guidelines on home loan applications.

“APRA’s changes will make it easier for home buyers to obtain a loan by lowering the minimum interest rate against which applicants must be assessed.  This is further good news for home buyers and the property market.”

Cameron Kusher, an analyst at real estate research firm Core­Logic, said borrowing was “going to become a little more accessible”, although banks would remain cautious about lending to risky customers.

Property developers said APRA’s decision was sensible and would help lift construction and create jobs.

Master Builders Australia chief economist Shane Garrett said the restrictions were “one of the factors” that sparked falls in house prices. Dumping the requirement was “great news at a time when the potential exists for a recovery in new home building”, he said.

Property Council of Australia chief executive Ken Morrison said the measure was put in place at a time when house prices were booming.

“This is a sensible decision that reflects the reality of the current interest rate environment and housing market conditions,” he said.

The rate cuts are expected to add a jolt of confidence to the property market, which has been buoyed by the surprise Coalition victory. The passage of Scott Morrison’s personal income tax cuts this week is also expected to boost consumer spending and help revive the economy.

The Prime Minister has proposed a string of measures to encourage banks to lend more vigorously, including interventions to help bring down interest rates for small business borrowers, fewer restrictions on property investors, and a first-home buyers’ scheme that will help a small number of borrowers access loans.

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis, said the news was a great result for homebuyers.

“We have already seen a pick-up in the market since the federal election, which has been great for interest in Paramount.  And now with interest rates dropping again for the second time this year, tax relief for middle income earners and this announcement by APRA, we should see even more positive sentiment flowing through.”

Mr Mackenzie went on to say, “the first land release at Paramount represents amazing value for homebuyers.  At $172,000 for bigger, elevated 450sqm blocks and views to the hills, pricing is not only very competitive, but it also offered terrific value for money. Plus, on top of the excellent pricing, Paramount will also provide homebuyers with fencing and landscaping bonuses, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”


Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.  

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers 450sqm premium, elevated, family-sized blocks with views starting from as little as $172,000!  This is amazingly affordable, no wonder we’ve now sold over 25% of Stage 1!

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or before they’re all sold out!

What to make of incentives and discounts on offer in new-build market.

Jim Malo, Reporter,

Home builders and developers are offering buyers incentives in an effort to stand out amid the tough property market.

Advertising campaigns that spruik prices as cheap as the 1990s and the chance to win a free car are just some of the promotions available in early 2019.

Such offers are commonplace and require scrutiny from buyers.

Websites like have pages dedicated to informing consumers of the pros and cons of frequent flyer points schemes and others like them.

New home design specialist at the national builder, Stroud Homes Max Xia said while many of these deals could be tempting, they might not be all they appeared to be.

He said builders offering apparently low price-points for new builds was one area where buyers needed to be cautious.

“In today’s market you’ve got a lot of volume builders having a starting price and offers on TV that sound too good to be true,” Mr Xia said.

“A lot of them are just advertising and promotional tools but, at the end of the day, everyone’s costs are similar.

“Promotional activity was an indicator the home building market was still competitive,

but fears of a drop-off encouraged builders to try to stand out even more”, Master Builders Australia’s chief economist Share Garrett said.

“My interpretation is this is a reflection of competitive activity going on in the market rather than builders engaging in price discounting,” he said.

“Some builders might be trying to expand and undercut their competitors.

Some people might be trying to build a reputation and get a foothold in the market.”

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis said,

“Before new homebuyers make their way through all the available builder offers and promotions, they should check out the first land release at Paramount.  It represents amazing value and also has bigger, elevated blocks, with views to the hills.  Plus, as part of an overarching, masterplan community, it will include its own primary school, shops, public open spaces and aged care facility.  We know we’re very competitively priced and buyers are terrific value for money.  On top of the excellent pricing, we also provide homebuyers with fencing and landscaping bonuses so they can get into their new home quicker.”

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.

Don’t miss out – 25% ALREADY SOLD!  This first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis is selling quickly!

 For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or


New parks and playgrounds make Baldivis even more perfect for families

Baldivis is already well renowned for the quality and quantity of its new parks and playgrounds.

There are so many to choose from, which means your kids should never get bored… we wish!

You can find out where most of these beautiful parks and playgrounds are located by visiting:

Even better, Baldivis has just seen the opening of four new parks and playgrounds.

This is great news for everyone living or looking to live in Baldivis because it will not only bring families closer together but help them better connect with their local neighbourhood.

Plus, with school holidays on until the first week of Feb, these four new parks will give you and your kids plenty more to do to pass away the time and have lots of fun while doing it!

These stunning new parks and playgrounds include:

Perth Aqua Park

Perth Aqua Park is a huge floating inflatable fun park. It has over 100 different interconnected obstacles.

Race your friends down the 3-lane course; get launched from the jumping pillow or blast down the big slides.

It’s fun for everyone; kids or adults, sporting teams looking for fun and fitness, corporate groups seeking a team building activity or end of year function idea, or anyone looking for some fun as an individual or with a group.

Visit to find out more.

Perth Wake Park

Perth Wake Park is the only cable wakeboard park in Western Australia.

The park offers a full-size main cable, a beginner specific cable, a step-up pool for advanced riders, a café, pro shop and hire shop.

Riders of any level can enjoy the park. They have lessons and introduction sessions on their specific beginner system and the main lake filled with obstacles for the advanced riders to enjoy.

With a large veranda overlooking the main lake and a beach to relax on, Perth Wake Park is a great place to hang out and watch friends and family ride.

Entry into the park is also free for spectators.

Visit to find out more.

Monster’s World Adventure Park

Monster’s World Adventure Park is a new, $1 million adventure park that has just opened in Baldivis.

The park features a ‘monster’s world’ with timber play equipment, including balance logs and steppers, stone boulders, timber climbing stacks and musical play equipment such as thongophone and log chimes.

There is a monster’s nest with an 8m-high climbing tower, a crossing rope bridge, a 9m slide and ascending structures through the dry creek bed to create a mystical and mysterious playground.

Monster’s World Adventure Park can be found here.

Steamrail Adventure Playground

A new $1m train-inspired park has opened in Baldivis.

The park on Heartwood Boulevard features two flying foxes, swings and a 12m slide, as well as a life-size train.

Children playing at the park will be transported back to an era of steam trains, which is a celebration of Baldivis’ rich heritage with trains and timber milling.

Other features include a tall tower reminiscent of an old steam train water stop tower, plus and a large train climbing structure.

Picnic facilities, shade structures and large trees overlooking the central play space will provide enjoyment to children of all ages and abilities for hours on end.

Steamrail Adventure Playground can be found here.

In the last ten years, the population of Baldivis has exploded. From a quiet suburb south of Perth to a new thriving community with so much to offer!

Baldivis is a semi-rural suburb and is fast becoming a hub for families, as more people choose to make Baldivis their home, and it’s not hard to see why!

Being only 15 minutes to gorgeous Safety Bay and Secret Harbour beaches, a short drive or bus ride to the Warnbro train station and less than an hour to Perth CBD, Baldivis is the perfect location for those wanting a quieter lifestyle while still being close to the action. It is a great spot for families, as there is a huge choice of landscaped parks, playgrounds and other fantastic features. There is a Tramway that runs through the suburb that is now a protected nature reserve and Baldivis Children’s Forest is a great spot to take the kids and learn about conservation while getting out into nature.

If you have just moved to the area and you want to meet new people and become a part of the community, you can head along to Daintree Park and join in a FREE group fitness class “Live Life Get Active!” What better way to meet your neighbours, create a social network and add the side benefit of getting fit!

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path.

And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.

Paramount Private Estate Baldivis will have its own set of parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities within the next few years, but in the interim, you can enjoy all Baldivis has to offer within a few minutes’ drive.

Don’t miss out on this first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis! For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or .

New twilight display home opening hours better for homebuyers

Retail shopping hours have changed for the better over the last few years to accommodate the busy lifestyles of most shoppers.  Instead of only one late night per week and no Sunday trading, shoppers can now access retailers nightly Monday to Friday and all weekend. The building industry is no different and has come to realise that the traditional 2-5pm opening times on Wed is no longer suitable for most home buyers.

Starting first week of January, builders will be opening their display homes on Wednesday’s from 4pm until 7pm, taking advantage of the summer evening light and weather and to accommodate homebuyers who are predominantly home in the evening.

It’s also a great way for homebuyers to experience the home as they would live in it.

The new twilight opening hours are expected to run through until Easter and all builders will be displaying the above logo in their advertising, social media and communications, which will notify homebuyers of the new display home opening hours.

Paramount Private Estate Baldivis is always open to homebuyers.  They can visit the Estate and call Andrew Mackenzie any time they choose, except for Christmas Day, of course!

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home  buyers that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.

Don’t miss out on this first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis! For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or .

From the friendly team at Paramount Private estate Baldivis, we would like to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas, an amazing New Year and a safe and happy holiday!

$56million Baldivis District Sporting Complex Announced

Paramount baldivis is one of Perth’s fastest growing suburbs, and with further growth forecast in the area, it’s essential that the infrastructure can deliver sport and recreation facilities to the local community.

Artist impression of the Baldivis District Sporting Complex

With a larger percentage of young families and children than the rest of the metro area, the demand for sustainable sporting and recreation opportunities is essential for health and social development for those living in Baldivis.

The Baldivis District Sporting Complex will cater to a large number of community sports, providing a mix of indoor and outdoor facilities including nature play and youth recreation opportunities.

It will be able to adapt to participation trends and will engender community pride and health and wellbeing benefits.

How will the $56million be spent?
  • • Active Reserves – $21m
    Four ovals and new junior and senior sports pavilions
  • • Outdoor Sports Centre – $8m
    Development of a range of hard courts and associated infrastructure
  • • Indoor Sports Complex – $18m
    Development of a range of indoor sports and recreation facilities
  • • Youth Recreation and Fitness Space – $2m
    Dedicated facility for young people and the community to recreate and keep fit
  • • Specialised Centre* – $8m
    Development of cycling track and pavilion
    * Note: The development of a specialised centre for cycling is shown within the City’s 2017-2027 Community Infrastructure Plan as a final stage of the Baldivis District Sporting Complex project.

Located only 6km from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis.

The new Baldivis District Sporting Complex will be located at the corner of Eighty Road and Kendall Boulevarde, Baldivis.

There will be three entry points, with the main entry being via a new roundabout that will be built at Kendall Boulevard and the other two being slip roads into the complex.

Paramount residents will be a short 7min drive from the new Baldivis District Sporting Complex, or they can take the 564, 566 or 567 bus.

How will the project benefit the community?

The district level sporting and recreation reserve will service residents of Baldivis (north and south) and will provide for district and regional level competitions for the Rockingham population in general.

Estimated jobs will the project create:

  • • Construction phase (stage 1) – 744 jobs
  • • Overall project – 2,000 jobs
  • • Ongoing:  30-50 ongoing full and part-time jobs

When will the project be delivered?

The new Baldivis District Sporting Complex will be delivered in a few stages from 2021/22, with the 2022/23 financial year being the year that every stage officially opens to the public.

This means if you purchase land at Paramount in the next year or so, you will be perfectly placed to take advantage of this fantastic new facility.

Where and when can I hear more about the new Baldivis District Sporting Complex?

If you are interested, there will be a community presentation and information/Q&A session of the master plan on:

  • • Tuesday, 16 October, 6.30-7.30pm at Mary Davies Library and Community Centre, Baldivis.
  • • Registrations for this information session are essential on (08) 9528 0333 or

Additionally, you can provide comments on the Share Your Thoughts page until Wednesday 31 October

To see the full draft master plan, please click here.

For more information about Paramount Private Esate Baldivis please visit

Or contact Andrew Mackenzie on 0419 904 790 or email him at

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