Housing market to stabilise?

By Ericka Pingol | 29 Aug 2019

The much-anticipated stabilisation of new homes in the Western Australian property market is on the horizon, according to the Housing Industry Association (HIA).

Evidence indicates that the market is heading towards the supply of new homes meeting—rather than exceeding—demographic growth requirements.

The easing of market conditions had given rise to a situation where monetary and fiscal stimulus is possible without fear of overheating house prices, according to the association’s chief economist, Tim Reardon.

“If economic activity improves, the credit squeeze dissipates, home prices stabilise, and the recent stimulus measures take hold, the supply of new work into the pipeline will soon reach its low point. All indications are that this stabilisation will occur and prevent a more significant downturn,” Reardon said.

The HIA sees demand for new detached homes holding up with only a 9% contraction in starts over the year.

The apparent resilience is due to the lag between the sale and commencement of housing constructions, giving the impression that contemporary market conditions are stronger than is the case.

Meanwhile, the unit market continues to contract rapidly, with starts now 41.8% lower than last year. A further 12% decline is predicted for 2019-2020, before a gradual improvement in 2021-2022.

Despite the continued decline of apartments under construction, there is a silver lining in the form of a “convergence of conditions” within the building industry, according to Reardon.

“We no longer have a boom in east-coast capital cities and stagnating markets elsewhere. Interest rates, income taxes and lending restrictions have all been eased in an effort to support activity and economic growth. State and Australian government investment(s) in infrastructure are also important to support labour market growth. These measures are now supporting activity in housing markets across the economy,” he said.

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis said, “we too are seeing positive signs in the market, with sales to date being much stronger than anticipated.”

Mr. Mackenzie also said, “Paramount represents amazing value for homebuyers.  At $172,000 for bigger, elevated 450sqm blocks and views to the hills, Paramount offered terrific value for money. Plus, homebuyers at Paramount will also receive a fencing and landscaping bonus, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”


Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers 450sqm premium, elevated, family-sized blocks with views starting from as little as $172,000! This is an amazingly good value for larger sized lots, it’s no wonder why we’re selling so many!

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.au before they’re all sold out!

What the federal election result means for the property market. Kate Burke, Journalist, June 2019

A shorter, shallower property price downturn could be on the cards on the back of the Coalition’s victory at the polls, experts say.

Following months of uncertainty about the impact of tax changes, which had led to greater wariness in the cooling market, experts are revising their views on property prices, market activity and first-home buyers.

Property prices

“It’s pretty clear to us that the bottom [of the market] is just around the corner,” Commonwealth Bank senior economist Gareth Aird said.

With reforms to negative gearing and the capital gains tax off the table, a likely interest rate cut on the horizon and a scheme to encourage first-home buyer activity, it was reasonable to think prices would not fall much further.”

He expected prices to bottom out late this year but noted it would not be a sharp recovery due to tighter lending standards.


Market activity

Regardless of the outcome, market activity was always likely to pick up post-election as buyers and sellers would have more certainty on housing policy.

We are now expecting a more gradual pick-up in prices, with both first-home buyers and investors to drive market activity on the back of the Coalition’s policies.

Domain economist Trent Wiltshire said “Sellers will respond to buyer interest and there might be a few people who were thinking about selling who have held off [until now].”

Well-attended auctions are a positive sign of buyer interest. Ray White Chairman, Brian White, said, “buyers and sellers would be relieved to know where they stood now the election was over.

[In the lead-up] people were saying ‘let’s sit on our hands and just wait and see what’s happens’. That waiting is finished and I think there’s a big chance that confidence will get a nice boost, as we’ve seen already in the stock markets.”

While he is not expecting to see a rush to market, he believes there will be a boost from buyers and sellers who had been waiting on the sidelines.

“I’m confident the market will now improve, because of the stronger [market] curiosity exhibited by the community, which has been reflected by increased auction attendances,” Mr White said.

“People are all wanting to know what’s coming … I believe we’ll look back and sees this period as the bottom of the market.”

McGrath chief executive, Geoff Lucas, agreed the government’s win would inject confidence and clarity back into the market.


First-home buyers

Labour’s proposed changes to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount would have removed concessions for investors, creating a more level playing field for first-home buyers.

The changes aimed at improving housing affordability will not go ahead under the Morrison government. Instead, first-home buyers will have access to a loan scheme — also backed by Labour — enabling them to purchase property with a 5 per cent deposit.

AMP Capital Chief Economist, Shane Oliver, expects the policy will bring forward some first-home buyer activity, but that its impact will be limited as it is capped at 10,000 loans a year and requires a higher debt-to-income ratio.

He expects the government will morph the scheme into a grant, which could provide more of a stimulus to the lower end of the market.

While he would not advocate for grants in a booming market as they could further drive up prices, Dr Oliver said it could help in a cooling market when there was concern about the wider impact a downturn could have on the economy.

Mr Wiltshire expected the scheme would have a small but not-insignificant impact and encourage some first-home buyers to get into the market earlier.

However, he noted a Coalition government also meant first-home buyers would not benefit from improved affordability off the back of cuts to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount.

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis, said that he was relieved that the federal election had resulted in a Coalition win.

“Although I’m not a politically vocal person, I know that both buyers and agents were worried about the election and what it might have meant for the property market.  It’s already been a tough few years for WA and it would have been terrible to see a further decline in prices.

However, since the election, what we are seeing instead is some real positive sentiment from homebuyers, builders and the property market in general.  Although first home buyers have been worried about affordability for some time, the Perth market is currently seeing some excellent examples of housing affordability.

The first land release at Paramount represents amazing value for homebuyers at $172,000 for a bigger, elevated 450sqm block, with views to the hills. Plus, as part of an overarching, masterplan community, it will include its own primary school, shops, public open spaces and aged care facility.”

Mr Mackenzie also said that Spatial Property Group had ensured that the pricing at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis was not only very competitive, but it also offered homebuyers terrific value for money. On top of the excellent pricing, Paramount will also provide homebuyers with fencing and landscaping bonuses, so they can get into their new home quicker!



Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers 450sqm premium, elevated, family-sized blocks with views starting from as little as $172,000!  This is amazingly affordable, no wonder we’ve now sold over 25% of Stage 1!

 Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.aubefore they’re all sold out!

Budget to Boost Housing Affordability

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s budget has been welcomed by the building and construction sector, with the Housing Industry Association saying, “its new initiatives will have a positive effect on housing affordability”, and the Master Builders Association saying, “it will promote economic growth.”

HIA chief economist Tim Reardon said “income tax cuts would provide a significant boost to housing affordability, combining with modest wage growth to increase households’ disposable income.”

“The combined impact will boost household consumption faster than an interest rate cut and assist in offsetting the credit squeeze,” he said.

“The improved fiscal outlook presented in the budget and these new measures should improve confidence among consumers when making home building and renovating decisions.”

Mr Reardon said the federal government’s increase in infrastructure spending would also play an important role in providing employment opportunities as the new home constructions sector cooled across the country.

“The increased incentives in training apprenticeships are significant and necessary as the industry has faced significant skills shortages over the past decade,” he said.

“These incentives more than double the existing federal government incentives over the term of an apprenticeship.”

The Master Builders Association backed the budget’s focus on small business, skills and infrastructure.

MBA national chief executive Denita Wawn said, “the government’s commitment to return the budget to surplus would boost confidence that the national economy was back on track, and provide builders with the incentive to invest, create jobs and hire more workers.”

“Master Builders welcomes the government’s announcements on new investment in skills, infrastructure and small business because they are targeted at what’s needed to strengthen the economy,” she said.

“The government deserves credit for heeding Master Builders’ call for the instant asset tax write-off scheme to be increased and expanded.

“Thousands of small business builders in communities around the country will benefit from the increase to $30,000, but more importantly the significant expansion of the eligibility threshold to $50 million annual turnovers.”

However, Ms Wawn said, “the MBA was nonetheless concerned about the government’s forecasts of a 7 per cent decline in housing investment across Australia.”

“This reinforces the need to ensure that all housing investment incentives remain intact,” she said.

CoreLogic head of research Tim Lawless said: “while Mr Frydenberg reiterated that housing affordability was a key priority for the government, there was very little in the budget directly focused on the sector.”

“It looks like the government is content to see housing affordability improve organically via lower housing prices that could act as a contagion to weaker household consumption and a sharper than expected fall in residential construction,” Mr Lawless said.

“While this may seem a bit passive, it’s clear housing affordability has improved substantially since the last budget due to lower housing values in the most expensive cities as well as the lowest mortgage rates since the 1960s and a subtle rise in incomes.”

Dan Wilkie – Business News

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis said, “I’m very excited by this latest budget. The property sector in WA has been hit hard by the downturn and both families and businesses have been doing it tough.”

“By keeping interest rates the lowest they have ever been, reducing income and company tax, increasing the instant asset write-off to $30k for small business and funding more apprentices, we should see this trickle-down into the local, WA economy because of everyone benefits.”

“Plus, with property prices in Perth being the lowest they have been for a while, now’s the perfect time to buy. Buyers should head down to Paramount Private Estate and have a look at what’s on offer – Bigger, elevated blocks with views to the hills and very close to schools, shops, amenities, recreation and transport.”







Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road and rises westward towards the ocean. From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.

Don’t miss out – 25% ALREADY SOLD! This first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis is selling quickly!

For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.au.

New parks and playgrounds make Baldivis even more perfect for families

Baldivis is already well renowned for the quality and quantity of its new parks and playgrounds.

There are so many to choose from, which means your kids should never get bored… we wish!

You can find out where most of these beautiful parks and playgrounds are located by visiting:

Even better, Baldivis has just seen the opening of four new parks and playgrounds.

This is great news for everyone living or looking to live in Baldivis because it will not only bring families closer together but help them better connect with their local neighbourhood.

Plus, with school holidays on until the first week of Feb, these four new parks will give you and your kids plenty more to do to pass away the time and have lots of fun while doing it!

These stunning new parks and playgrounds include:

Perth Aqua Park

Perth Aqua Park is a huge floating inflatable fun park. It has over 100 different interconnected obstacles.

Race your friends down the 3-lane course; get launched from the jumping pillow or blast down the big slides.

It’s fun for everyone; kids or adults, sporting teams looking for fun and fitness, corporate groups seeking a team building activity or end of year function idea, or anyone looking for some fun as an individual or with a group.

Visit https://perthaquapark.com.au/ to find out more.

Perth Wake Park

Perth Wake Park is the only cable wakeboard park in Western Australia.

The park offers a full-size main cable, a beginner specific cable, a step-up pool for advanced riders, a café, pro shop and hire shop.

Riders of any level can enjoy the park. They have lessons and introduction sessions on their specific beginner system and the main lake filled with obstacles for the advanced riders to enjoy.

With a large veranda overlooking the main lake and a beach to relax on, Perth Wake Park is a great place to hang out and watch friends and family ride.

Entry into the park is also free for spectators.

Visit https://perthwakepark.com.au/ to find out more.

Monster’s World Adventure Park

Monster’s World Adventure Park is a new, $1 million adventure park that has just opened in Baldivis.

The park features a ‘monster’s world’ with timber play equipment, including balance logs and steppers, stone boulders, timber climbing stacks and musical play equipment such as thongophone and log chimes.

There is a monster’s nest with an 8m-high climbing tower, a crossing rope bridge, a 9m slide and ascending structures through the dry creek bed to create a mystical and mysterious playground.

Monster’s World Adventure Park can be found here.

Steamrail Adventure Playground

A new $1m train-inspired park has opened in Baldivis.

The park on Heartwood Boulevard features two flying foxes, swings and a 12m slide, as well as a life-size train.

Children playing at the park will be transported back to an era of steam trains, which is a celebration of Baldivis’ rich heritage with trains and timber milling.

Other features include a tall tower reminiscent of an old steam train water stop tower, plus and a large train climbing structure.

Picnic facilities, shade structures and large trees overlooking the central play space will provide enjoyment to children of all ages and abilities for hours on end.

Steamrail Adventure Playground can be found here.

In the last ten years, the population of Baldivis has exploded. From a quiet suburb south of Perth to a new thriving community with so much to offer!

Baldivis is a semi-rural suburb and is fast becoming a hub for families, as more people choose to make Baldivis their home, and it’s not hard to see why!

Being only 15 minutes to gorgeous Safety Bay and Secret Harbour beaches, a short drive or bus ride to the Warnbro train station and less than an hour to Perth CBD, Baldivis is the perfect location for those wanting a quieter lifestyle while still being close to the action. It is a great spot for families, as there is a huge choice of landscaped parks, playgrounds and other fantastic features. There is a Tramway that runs through the suburb that is now a protected nature reserve and Baldivis Children’s Forest is a great spot to take the kids and learn about conservation while getting out into nature.

If you have just moved to the area and you want to meet new people and become a part of the community, you can head along to Daintree Park and join in a FREE group fitness class “Live Life Get Active!” What better way to meet your neighbours, create a social network and add the side benefit of getting fit!

Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path.

And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.

Paramount Private Estate Baldivis will have its own set of parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities within the next few years, but in the interim, you can enjoy all Baldivis has to offer within a few minutes’ drive.

Don’t miss out on this first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis! For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.au .