Which school? There’s plenty of options in Baldivis

By Melissa Clarke | January 2020

There’s a lot to consider when moving into a new suburb.  One of our major decisions as parents is what school our children will attend.  To make your life easier, we have compiled a concise list of new and established schools in the Baldivis area.



Baldivis Primary School

K-Year 6
Public Primary School
At Baldivis Primary School education is about children becoming lifelong learners. Our future lies in our children and we focus on the whole child and on giving them the skills so they can take their place in a global community.
At Baldivis Primary School we are committed to creating a caring, safe, positive teaching & learning environment for everyone. We focus on giving our students the opportunity to grow academically, physically, socially and emotionally with a strong focus on mental well-being. We challenge our students to strive to the best they can be, giving them opportunities to shine and demonstrate their strengths.


Baldivis Gardens Primary School

K-Year 6
Independent Public Primary School
Baldivis Gardens Primary School opened in February 2017 with 219 students and is an Independent Public School catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. It is the sixth public primary school in the growing suburb of Baldivis.
Our focus is on the explicit teaching of Literacy and Numeracy and the provision of rich and varied learning opportunities that develop the whole child, catering for their academic, physical, social and emotional needs.


Tuart Rise Primary School

K-Year 6
Independent Public Primary School
Tuart Rise Primary School is located in Baldivis, is an Independent Public School and opened in 2015 for students in Kindergarten to Year 6.
We are a school where children are at the forefront of everything we do. We value the whole child and believe children have a voice that should be heard. We believe in the importance of addressing both the academic needs and social emotional well-being of our students.
We actively involve our community and believe strong home and school partnerships lead to improved student learning.


Makybe Rise Primary School

K-Year 6
Independent Public Primary School
At Makybe Rise Primary School we are committed to building a genuine sense of community partnership and belonging. We work together to accomplish our shared mission of growing friendly, accomplished and active children who know they are part of something bigger than themselves.
Our community is committed to work together in ways that create a safe and nurturing space for our children to grow and learn. We believe that whilst our children are at the centre of all that we do, we are all central. We know that it is the adults in our community that make the difference.


Rivergums Primary School

K-Year 6
Independent Public Primary School
Our school opened in 2016 and offers positive and challenging learning programs that encourage all students to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and values to become successful, confident and creative individuals.
The school is an Independent Public School for Kindergarten to Year 6 students. The community has helped shape the direction of the school and ensures that students’ needs are a priority.
Rivergums Primary School has modern, state of the art facilities and is located next to Baldivis Secondary College, giving students access to a seamless transition into secondary school.


Settlers Primary School

K – Year 6
Independent Public Primary School
Settlers Primary is an Independent Public School. Teaching and learning environments reflect a positive and innovative attitude towards maximising learning opportunities.
Cutting edge ICT ensures wireless access, laptop and iPad technology, and electronic whiteboards in all classrooms. ICT is an embedded tool for teaching and learning in an integrated curriculum.


Rockingham John Calvin School

K-Year 6
Australian Free Reformed Churches Primary School
Rockingham John Calvin School is a small Christian K – 6 Primary school. Established in 1995, the school serves the families that are members of the Australian Free Reformed Churches.

Aside from the general classrooms, the school has a Library, STEM Lab and large Sports Hall. The school has a large oval and an adventure-style playground for the children to enjoy.

There is a separate Early Childhood outdoor area for Kindy and Pre-primary with its own adventure playground.
We have a small staff focused on quality, covenantal-based education that is thoroughly Biblical. In the K-2, class teachers use a balanced teaching approach and embrace play-based and inquiry learning programs. In Yrs 3-6 a combination of both formal and inquiry-based learning is used.


Tranby College

K-Year 12
Uniting Church College
We are an independent, K-12, co-educational school community of the Uniting Church in Australia.  We are a learning community in which everyone is dedicated to meeting the needs of our students. Nothing is more important to us than your children.
We are a College for all. We dedicate ourselves to knowing your children and growing their talent. We support, inspire and encourage by providing opportunities for every student to learn and discover new talents, new passions and new interests. Above all, we care.
Our students are at the heart of everything we do and we take pride in the quality of our teaching and learning programs.


Mother Teresa Catholic College

K-Year 12 (currently year 8)
Catholic College
We are a Catholic co-educational college registered to enrol students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. The College is now in its sixth year of existence in 2019, with classes from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 8.
At Mother Teresa Catholic College we aim to:
CHALLENGE our students and all in our college community to CONNECT with learning about ourselves, one another and the wider world, in order to CONTRIBUTE with confidence, courage and creativity towards making the world a better place for all peoples.


Baldivis Secondary College

Year 7-12
Independent Public Secondary School
Baldivis Secondary College is a vibrant learning community and the first public secondary school established in the area. We are a proud Independent Public School. It is founded on the basic principle of respect. Respect underpins each initiative and interaction within our community.
Students and staff are expected to achieve personal excellence in all they do. Individuals in our community will have every opportunity extended to them to assist them in achieving their full potential. Baldivis Secondary College offers a broad curriculum based on the Australian Curriculum. The programs and initiatives we have established are relevant and meaningful as well as engaging.


With school taken care of in Baldivis, Andrew Mackenzie, Paramount Private Estate Sales Manager, says now’s the time to snap up a property in this great family-friendly suburb.



Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

Mr Mackenzie added “Paramount offers terrific value for money. Plus, homebuyers at Paramount will also receive a fencing and landscaping bonus, so they can get into their new homes quicker!”.

“A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.”




Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers elevated, family-sized blocks with views with 480sqm lots available from $185,000 – amazingly good value for larger sized lots!

Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.auto find out more.


What the federal election result means for the property market. Kate Burke, Journalist, June 2019

A shorter, shallower property price downturn could be on the cards on the back of the Coalition’s victory at the polls, experts say.

Following months of uncertainty about the impact of tax changes, which had led to greater wariness in the cooling market, experts are revising their views on property prices, market activity and first-home buyers.

Property prices

“It’s pretty clear to us that the bottom [of the market] is just around the corner,” Commonwealth Bank senior economist Gareth Aird said.

With reforms to negative gearing and the capital gains tax off the table, a likely interest rate cut on the horizon and a scheme to encourage first-home buyer activity, it was reasonable to think prices would not fall much further.”

He expected prices to bottom out late this year but noted it would not be a sharp recovery due to tighter lending standards.


Market activity

Regardless of the outcome, market activity was always likely to pick up post-election as buyers and sellers would have more certainty on housing policy.

We are now expecting a more gradual pick-up in prices, with both first-home buyers and investors to drive market activity on the back of the Coalition’s policies.

Domain economist Trent Wiltshire said “Sellers will respond to buyer interest and there might be a few people who were thinking about selling who have held off [until now].”

Well-attended auctions are a positive sign of buyer interest. Ray White Chairman, Brian White, said, “buyers and sellers would be relieved to know where they stood now the election was over.

[In the lead-up] people were saying ‘let’s sit on our hands and just wait and see what’s happens’. That waiting is finished and I think there’s a big chance that confidence will get a nice boost, as we’ve seen already in the stock markets.”

While he is not expecting to see a rush to market, he believes there will be a boost from buyers and sellers who had been waiting on the sidelines.

“I’m confident the market will now improve, because of the stronger [market] curiosity exhibited by the community, which has been reflected by increased auction attendances,” Mr White said.

“People are all wanting to know what’s coming … I believe we’ll look back and sees this period as the bottom of the market.”

McGrath chief executive, Geoff Lucas, agreed the government’s win would inject confidence and clarity back into the market.


First-home buyers

Labour’s proposed changes to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount would have removed concessions for investors, creating a more level playing field for first-home buyers.

The changes aimed at improving housing affordability will not go ahead under the Morrison government. Instead, first-home buyers will have access to a loan scheme — also backed by Labour — enabling them to purchase property with a 5 per cent deposit.

AMP Capital Chief Economist, Shane Oliver, expects the policy will bring forward some first-home buyer activity, but that its impact will be limited as it is capped at 10,000 loans a year and requires a higher debt-to-income ratio.

He expects the government will morph the scheme into a grant, which could provide more of a stimulus to the lower end of the market.

While he would not advocate for grants in a booming market as they could further drive up prices, Dr Oliver said it could help in a cooling market when there was concern about the wider impact a downturn could have on the economy.

Mr Wiltshire expected the scheme would have a small but not-insignificant impact and encourage some first-home buyers to get into the market earlier.

However, he noted a Coalition government also meant first-home buyers would not benefit from improved affordability off the back of cuts to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount.

Andrew Mackenzie, Estate Sales Manager at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis, said that he was relieved that the federal election had resulted in a Coalition win.

“Although I’m not a politically vocal person, I know that both buyers and agents were worried about the election and what it might have meant for the property market.  It’s already been a tough few years for WA and it would have been terrible to see a further decline in prices.

However, since the election, what we are seeing instead is some real positive sentiment from homebuyers, builders and the property market in general.  Although first home buyers have been worried about affordability for some time, the Perth market is currently seeing some excellent examples of housing affordability.

The first land release at Paramount represents amazing value for homebuyers at $172,000 for a bigger, elevated 450sqm block, with views to the hills. Plus, as part of an overarching, masterplan community, it will include its own primary school, shops, public open spaces and aged care facility.”

Mr Mackenzie also said that Spatial Property Group had ensured that the pricing at Paramount Private Estate Baldivis was not only very competitive, but it also offered homebuyers terrific value for money. On top of the excellent pricing, Paramount will also provide homebuyers with fencing and landscaping bonuses, so they can get into their new home quicker!



Paramount is situated at the southern end of Baldivis Road, and rises westward towards the ocean.  From its elevated position on the ocean-side, Paramount is destined to become Baldivis’ premier land development, with stunning views over bushland and to the hills.

It’s easy to imagine living in a beautiful new home that’s surrounded by parks and natural bushland, only a short distance from great schools, shopping centres and all your amenities.

A range of quick and easy transport options are also within easy reach, including trains, buses, freeway and bike path. And if it’s recreation you want, Paramount is a short drive away from fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis offers 450sqm premium, elevated, family-sized blocks with views starting from as little as $172,000!  This is amazingly affordable, no wonder we’ve now sold over 25% of Stage 1!

 Contact Andrew Mackenzie, our friendly Estate Sales Manager on 0419 904 790 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.aubefore they’re all sold out!

Kangaroos at Baldivis Estate Media Statement

Spatial Property Group (the Company; or Spatial) appreciates the matter of culling a ‘mob’ of kangaroos at its Paramount Estate in Baldivisi’s a sensitive issue for many people.

As an Australian company that’s based in Perth for many years, our people have grown up enjoying the outdoor lifestyle, from swimming at the beach in summer, to bushwalking and exploring many of our wonderful natural landscapes.

We absolutely understand the importance the kangaroo has in our culture and its proud heritage that is unique only to Australia.

Therefore this is not a statement to convince people against changing their beliefs, rather it’s structured to help educate people about the thorough process and work that have been undertaken to reach this environmental decision.

Timeline of key facts and milestones

1. In 2010 Spatial Property Group was appointed to manage the development of approximately 90ha of land in Baldivis about 40km south of Perth CBD

2. The land was historically a family farm that has reared a variety of animals from pigs, to chickens, cattle and even ostriches – it has always been privately owned

3. As part of the development process, a Fauna Management Plan (FMP) was required to ensure the integrity of the fauna would be reasonably maintained during construction

4. Since the project commenced a mob of approximately 100 kangaroos have moved to site due to development of the surrounding land as they were pushed off those properties

5. The FMP included a component to manage the kangaroos on site that they either be moved on or removed entirely to ensure the safety of workers and future residents

6. In early 2017, the original FMP was successfully completed and lodged with the relevant authorities, then Department of Environment and the City of Rockingham (CoR) to commenced stage-1 development

7. In the FMP the method agreed to manage the kangaroos was to slowly clear them by pushing them to the Baldivis Tramway nature corridor adjacent to the site to use as a migration corridor

8. However, during the stage-1 development we were advised by the CoR that they were no longer happy with the approach outlined in the FMP and they would not allow this to occur for any further stages of the development

9. We believe this decision may be as a result of one of the remaining kangaroos being hit by a car on the nearby Baldivis Road and causing a motor vehicle accident– after a meeting with CoR we were asked to address the situation and complied by erecting a temporary fence

The fence has ensured the kangaroos have remained on the site

-Almost 12 months later in early 2018, we agreed to produce an updated version of the FMP and therefore commissioned the expertise of kangaroo management, Perth-based Doctor Graham Thompson of Terrestrial Ecosystems

-Doctor Thompson is considered the preeminent and best Kangaroo management person in the State, he analysed the situation and produced a new recommendation on managing the kangaroos effectively in the updated FMP

-The recommendation was conducted in direct consultation with the approving authority the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction(DBCA)

-Collectively, all parties agreed the most effective method would be to cull the kangaroos, as the ‘push them on’ or ‘dart and relocate’ scenarios both had several problems with conflicting territories, critical resource availability and low survival rates of the relocated animals

-The new recommendation was drafted and included in anupdated version of the FMP and was submitted and approved by the relevant authorities in October 2018

-To date the cull is yet to be carried out as the advice recommends the animals are put under duress in the hotter months of summer.


We understand the CoR and local community groups are seeking to have the animals relocated, however this defies independent and expert advice, in particular the detailed and rigorous process that has been adhered to and sanctioned by the government departments.

The advice received is that kangaroos that are darted, sedated and relocated, are likely to die a slow death due to starvation or to be easily predated upon by foxes, wild dogs, other kangaroo mobs, or to be killed on roads and tracks.

Paramount Private Estate Baldivis — Construction Update October

Exciting news, the civil construction work is almost complete for Stage 1.

All the limestone retaining walls are now installed, structures are going up and the blocks are now defined. Some more good news!  Those interested in the home sites will be able to have access to the site in mid-October.

You can see from our updated drone footage how work is coming along as well as how the Paramount Private Estate is set up in the middle of a beautiful area that is easily assessable by the road. This is truly an impressive feat in creating these home sites while keeping to the highest levels of sustainable practices.  As part of our approach to sustainable development, we create home sites, services and spaces that are a natural reflection of their environment.

There are the various home site sizes available that will work with your choice of an apartment, villa, townhouse or house. In the near future, you will be able to either purchase a home site or speak with one of our builders and work with them to help create your new home.

As part of the construction process, Spatial Property Group and their partner Wormall Civil are undertaking a massive earthmoving program to develop the site.  In excess of 300,000m3 of sand is being transported locally with the approval and help from authorities such as City of Rockingham, Main Roads WA and Department of Transport to ensure the infrastructure being used will have little or no impact on the local Baldivis community and its surrounding environment.

Living in a beautiful new home surrounded by parks and natural bushland, a short distance from great schools, shopping centres, all your amenities, and a range of quick and easy transport options is Paramount. As is fishing, swimming, boating, bushwalking and picnics at some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches, only a short drive away from where you’ll be living.

Don’t miss out on this first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis! For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.au.


Paramount Private Estate Baldivis – Construction Update July 13, 2018

Stage 1 Coming Soon

The long-awaited Stage 1 release of Paramount Private Estate Baldivis is almost here.

This first release from #Baldivis newest estate will feature 42 lots, ranging in size from 370sqm – 559sqm.

There will be something for everyone with a wide range of configurations, prices and sizes to suit everything from a big, #family #home with generous back yard to compact, low-maintenance lots ideal for those looking to #downsize or #firsthomebuyers wanting to get established in the #property market.

In the future you will see modern #townhouses, #apartments, an integrated #retirement village, a local #shopping centre and primary #school.  Stage 1 will be located just a stone’s throw away from a future #park and a short walk from 4ha of proposed future playing fields.  #ParamountBaldivis is perfectly positioned to enjoy the #outdoors, plus there’s a range of #shops, #entertainment options and #restaurants on your doorstep, all ready and waiting for you.

And if you have a few spare minutes, watch our most recent #drone video showing an amazing #engineering feat currently underway at #ParamountEstate #Baldivis.  We’ll be updating these monthly.

As part of the construction process, @SpatialPoperty Group and their partner @WormallCivil are undertaking a massive #earthmoving program to develop the site.  In excess of 300,000m3 of sand is being transported locally with the approval and help from authorities such as #CityofRockingham, #MainRoadsWA and #DepartmentofTransport to ensure the infrastructure being used will have little or no impact on the #local #Baldivis #community and its surrounding #environment.

@SpatialProperty Group adheres to the highest levels of #sustainable practices. As part of our approach to #sustainable development, we create #homesites, #services and spaces that are a natural reflection of their #environment.

The #parks, public open spaces and #bushland that will be developed and maintained at #ParamountBaldivis will ensure people of all ages will be able to enjoy their #lifestyle now and in #future generations.

Don’t miss out on this first release from Paramount Private Estate Baldivis! For more information please contact our friendly Estate Sales Manager, Andrew Mackenzie on (08) 6555 2060 or andrew@spatialproperty.com.au